
Draft Night-time Economy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)


Draft Night-time Economy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

In 2019 the LLDC prepared a draft Night-time Economy Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The SPD was prepared to support the revised policies by providing planning guidance with respect to the protection and provision of cultural and night-time uses across the whole of the planning area. It provides specific guidance on the implementation of the recently adopted Local Plan 2020 policies, particularly retail, employment and other main town centre uses. The SPD also sets further centre specific guidance, with the focus on the nigh time uses, for the 5 identified centres plus Stratford High Street.

Please see a link below for the draft SPD document:

Draft Night-time Economy SPD

In the context of the changes brought about by the current pandemic, we would like to hear if you consider that the draft Night-time Economy SPD remains relevant with respect to providing planning guidance for the protection and provision of cultural and night-time uses in a post-COVID world. If you consider there is anything specific in the current draft of the document that should be changed or added to please use the box below to tell us.

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